Letter from the founder:
Welcome to Teak Leadership Group. I am genuinely excited that you have taken a moment to check us out. The one thing I want you to know about us is what we want more than anything is to help people grow from within to be the most impactful leaders they can be. We are driven to learn, teach and inspire leaders because we know all leaders can be better leaders. We see the need for better leadership in our businesses, organizations, governments and communities who focus more on service, integrity, and value. Leaders that look at their positions as a duty and honor and who will hold themselves accountable to the organizations and people they serve.
In late June 2018 I will release my book A Leader in the Mirror in which I shared my personal story in leadership development as I worked with some of the most amazing leaders. I explain several tools I developed to help me along my journey as I stressed the importance of growing from within and always learning. I hope you get a chance to read my book but more importantly I hope you reach out to us to talk about leadership and the things you are experiencing. Even if we don’t have services that meet your needs right now we are always eager to talk, learn and serve any way we can.
We also know how critical it is to have an effective sales team who not only secure and service clients but who are often front-line ambassadors for your organization. This is a special group of people whose job is to face rejection and apathy in their efforts to establish a meaningful engagement with mutual benefits. It is critical to have an organization where the sales team is integrated with and supported by every aspect of the operations. This process can be difficult for an organization and we are prepared to help you find solutions in this effort.
Joel Parker